Choose love in three easy steps

The season of goodwill is fast approaching, and with it a slew of official holidays and occasions encouraging you to spend or give. We invite you to choose love this season. In the run up to Giving Tuesday, Nov 29, follow these three short steps:

  1. Connect with your deepest values and think about what motivates you most, e.g. love, connection, wellbeing, success, respect. 

  2. Then think about the type of world you want to see. At Karuna USA, we want to see a world in which each individual can thrive and achieve their potential, a world where all children get a decent education and women live free from the fear of violence, where everyone earns enough to support themselves and their families. It’s a simple vision and  it’s achievable. 

  3. Finally, think about what you might do to bring this ideal world into existence, such as making a donation, volunteering, spending more time with friends. A small step can make a lasting impact, and small steps lead to larger steps.   

Do your values and vision align with ours? If so, then think about supporting us on Giving Tuesday. Remember, we don’t run programs. We fund the brilliant partners and leaders who change the lives of thousands of people every day. Literally, with your help, we can lift people out of poverty and change the world.

Ananta Lovett