What does freedom mean to you?

This Independence Day we ask: what does freedom mean to you? 

There are many possible responses to this question: material, psychological, spiritual. Freedom from fear, from want, freedom of expression, freedom as a state of mind. 

We invite you to reflect upon the freedom that comes from generosity. Yes, generosity. The warmth in the heart that comes from spontaneous as well as well-considered generosity. The sense of wellbeing that arises when you give  help and assistance. 

Many of us feel a sense of scarcity when we compare ourselves to others. We are told we always should have more. Yet, when we widen our perspective and look beyond our own wants, we see people who are in much greater need than us. And people with much less freedom than we have. A little goes a long way in our focus countries of India, Nepal and Bangladesh. A really long way. 

So we invite you to feel freedom, true  freedom, free of scarcity, through reflecting on generosity, and maybe just acting on it :-)

Ananta Lovett